
Articles containing subject class 47B65:

OaM-04-01 » The Kato decomposition of quasi-Fredholm relations (03/2010)
OaM-04-18 » Nonnegative reflexive generalized inverses and applications to group monotonicity (09/2010)
MIA-13-56 » Classified construction of generalized Furuta type operator functions, II (10/2010)
JMI-06-29 » On Diaz-Metcalf and Klamkin-McLenaghan type operator inequalities (06/2012)
OaM-06-45 » Closed linear relations and their regular points (12/2012)
OaM-06-52 » Monotonicity of generalized Furuta type functions (12/2012)
MIA-17-51 » Eigenvalue decay of integral operators generated by power series-like kernels (04/2014)
OaM-08-31 » Duality problem for the class of limited completely continuous operators (06/2014)
MIA-17-97 » Riccati type operator equation and Furuta's question (10/2014)
OaM-09-05 » Simultaneous extensions of a family of linear operators (03/2015)
OaM-09-47 » A short-type decomposition of forms (12/2015)
OaM-10-01 » Ideal-triangularizability and commutators of constant sign (03/2016)
OaM-10-38 » On the Grüss inequality for unital 2-positive linear maps (09/2016)
OaM-11-60 » A spectral characterization of absolutely norming operators on S. N. ideals (09/2017)
OaM-12-15 » On the block numerical range of operators on arbitrary Banach spaces (03/2018)
OaM-13-48 » On Descartes' rule of signs for matrix polynomials (09/2019)
MIA-23-24 » Subadditive inequalities for operators (01/2020)
MIA-23-39 » Inequalities regarding partial trace and partial determinant (04/2020)
OaM-14-62 » Topological properties of the block numerical range of operator matrices (12/2020)
MIA-24-34 » Operator inequalities and gyrolines of the weighted geometric means (04/2021)
OaM-15-47 » An Oppenheim type determinantal inequality for the Khatri-Rao product (06/2021)
OaM-15-75 » A new matrix inequality involving partial traces (09/2021)
MIA-24-66 » Modulus of continuity of the quantum f-entropy with respect to the trace distance (10/2021)
JMI-15-98 » Partial determinant inequalities for positive semidefinite block matrices (12/2021)
OaM-16-17 » Expansive operators which are power bounded or algebraic (03/2022)
OaM-16-21 » An interpolation property of reflections involving orthogonal projections (03/2022)
JMI-16-11 » Inequalities for generalized matrix function and inner product (03/2022)
JMI-16-41 » On the q-analogues for some Kantorovich type linear operators (06/2022)
OaM-16-57 » The strong limited p-Schur property in Banach lattices (09/2022)
OaM-16-63 » Universally symmetric norming operators are compact (12/2022)
OaM-17-24 » Inequalities for the weighted A-numerical radius of semi-Hilbertian space operators (06/2023)
OaM-17-40 » A note on the A-spectrum of A-bounded operators (09/2023)
MIA-26-55 » Norm inequalities for parallel sums of operators (10/2023)
OaM-18-06 » Berezin number inequalities via positivity of 2 × 2 block matrices (03/2024)
OaM-18-16 » Further properties of PPT and (α,β)-normal matrices (03/2024)
OaM-18-22 » Positively limited p-convergent and weak* positively p-convergent operators (06/2024)
JMI-18-43 » Improvements of A-numerical radius for semi-Hilbertian space operators (06/2024)