Banach space

Articles containing keyword "Banach space":

OaM-03-22 » Banach spaces of functions taking values in a C-algebra (09/2009)
OaM-06-03 » On the spectra of generalized Fibonacci and Fibonacci-like operators (03/2012)
OaM-06-09 » Maps preserving peripheral spectrum of Jordan products of operators (03/2012)
FDC-02-07 » Boundary value problems for fractional differential inclusions in Banach spaces (06/2012)
OaM-11-24 » On generalized derivation in Banach spaces (06/2017)
JMI-11-48 » On an elementary inequality and its application in the theory of integral equations (06/2017)
OaM-11-41 » A note on operator tuples which are (m,p)-isometric as well as (μ,∞)-isometric (09/2017)
FDC-07-14 » Kallman-Rota type inequality for discrete evolution families of bounded linear operators (12/2017)
FDC-08-10 » Boundary value problems for Hadamard fractional differential equations with nonlocal multi-point boundary conditions (06/2018)
OaM-12-65 » Operator-weighted composition operators on vector-valued Bloch spaces (12/2018)
OaM-13-06 » Compactness of operator integrators (03/2019)
JMI-13-07 » The stability of an additive 1, ρ2)-functional inequality in Banach spaces (03/2019)
OaM-13-32 » Smooth points in operator spaces and some Bishop-Phelps-Bollobás type theorems in Banach spaces (06/2019)
JMI-13-87 » 3-Variable double ρ-functional inequalities of Drygas (12/2019)
JMI-15-25 » On an equation characterizing multi-Jensen-quartic mappings and its stability (03/2021)
MIA-25-12 » Pre-Grüss and Grüss-Ostrowski like inequalities in Banach spaces (01/2022)
JMI-16-09 » Some degenerate mean convergence theorems for Banach space valued random elements (03/2022)
OaM-16-33 » Standard operator Jordan rings on Banach spaces, and their derivations (06/2022)
OaM-16-68 » Weak-star dentability, quasi-weak-star near dentability and continuity of metric projector in Banach spaces (12/2022)
JMI-17-16 » On the local Ritt resolvent condition (03/2023)
OaM-17-56 » On joint numerical radius of operators and joint numerical index of a Banach space (09/2023)

Articles containing keyword "Banach spaces":

MIA-01-06 » Inequalities related to isotonicity of projection and antiprojection operators (01/1998)
MIA-03-50 » On mixed Hölder-Minkowski inequalities and total convexity of certain functions in p(Ω) (10/2000)
MIA-11-01 » On n-th James and Khintchine constants of Banach spaces (01/2008)
MIA-12-66 » On ψ- interpolation spaces (10/2009)
OaM-04-13 » Finite intertwinings and subscalarity (06/2010)
MIA-13-52 » Refined generalizations of the triangle inequality on Banach spaces (10/2010)
OaM-05-11 » Strongly splitting weighted shift operators on Banach spaces and unicellularity (03/2011)
DEA-04-11 » Some basic random fixed point theorems with PPF dependence and functional random differential equations (05/2012)
OaM-07-04 » Hilbert-Schauder frame operators (03/2013)
OaM-10-16 » Closed ideals in ℒ(X) and ℒ(X*) when X contains certain copies of p and c0 (06/2016)
OaM-11-29 » Multipliers of Hilbert spaces of analytic functions on the complex half-plane (06/2017)
MIA-24-73 » The quasi-hyperbolicity constant of a metric space (10/2021)
JCA-22-07 » Discrete and continuous Welch bounds for Banach spaces with applications (10/2023)
MIA-27-12 » Generalization of expansive operators (01/2024)
JCA-23-02 » Functional Deutsch uncertainty principle (01/2024)
MIA-27-25 » On a generalized Jordan-von Neumann type constant and normal structure (04/2024)
MIA-27-40 » On (n, p)-th von Neumann-Jordan constants for Banach spaces (07/2024)