boundary value problems

Articles containing keyword "boundary value problems":

MIA-08-36 » Boundary Value Problems Associated with Perturbed Nonlinear Sylvester Systems - Existence and Uniqueness (07/2005)
MIA-12-49 » Non-homogeneous boundary value problem for one-dimensional compressible viscous micropolar fluid model: a global existence theorem (07/2009)
MIA-13-30 » Sectorial operators with convolution term (04/2010)
DEA-02-23 » Positive solutions of second order multi-point boundary value problems with non-homogeneous boundary conditions (08/2010)
DEA-02-29 » On the solvability of nonlinear boundary value problems (11/2010)
DEA-03-21 » Existence of solutions to boundary value problems at full resonance (08/2011)
DEA-04-12 » Existence of positive solutions for second order multi-point boundary value problems (05/2012)
DEA-05-13 » Positive solutions for boundary value problems involving nonlinear fractional q-difference equations (05/2013)
DEA-05-21 » Sufficient conditions for existence of solutions of nonlinear differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions (08/2013)
DEA-05-30 » A least squares solution to linear boundary value problems with impulses (11/2013)
DEA-06-26 » Existence theory for nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problems with unbounded nonlinearities (11/2014)
MIA-19-22 » Lyapunov-type inequalities for third-order linear differential equations (01/2016)
FDC-06-01 » Three-point boundary value problems with delta Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative on time scales (06/2016)
DEA-08-26 » Coupled systems of fractional -difference boundary value problems (11/2016)
FDC-06-16 » Existence of positive solutions for coupled systems of half-linear boundary value problems involving Caputo fractional derivatives (12/2016)
DEA-10-11 » Nonlocal boundary value problems for (p, q)-difference equations (05/2018)
DEA-10-22 » On the solvability of nonlinear differential equations subject to generalized boundary conditions (08/2018)
DEA-11-14 » Positive solutions for fractional integro-boundary value problem of order (1,2) on an unbounded domain (08/2019)
DEA-11-24 » Existence of solutions to nonlinear Legendre boundary value problems (11/2019)
DEA-12-12 » On weakly nonlinear boundary value problems on infinite intervals (05/2020)
DEA-12-14 » Existence theory and stability results for ψ-type complex-order implicit differential equations (05/2020)
DEA-13-11 » Existence of solutions to nonlinear Sturm-Liouville problems with large nonlinearities (05/2021)
FDC-11-12 » Existence results, inequalities and a priori bounds to fractional boundary value problems (12/2021)
FDC-12-12 » Existence and uniqueness results for generalized Caputo iterative fractional boundary value problems (12/2022)
DEA-15-08 » Existence results for Caputo fractional boundary value problems with unrestricted growth conditions (05/2023)
FDC-13-14 » On generalized Caputo's fractional order fuzzy anti periodic boundary value problem (12/2023)
DEA-16-05 » On the existence of solutions to boundary value problems on infinte intervals for nonlinear discrete systems (02/2024)
FDC-14-07 » Recent results on fractional Lyapunov-type inequalities: A survey (06/2024)