
Articles containing keyword "convexity":

MIA-01-11 » A Generalization of Young's p Inequality (01/1998)
MIA-02-20 » Determinantal inequalities for the psi function (04/1999)
MIA-02-38 » Functional Stolarsky means (10/1999)
MIA-03-20 » Nonconvex functions and separation by power means (04/2000)
MIA-03-52 » Inequalities for positive linear maps on Hermitian matrices (10/2000)
MIA-04-32 » On a Class of Means of Several Variables (07/2001)
MIA-05-02 » Spherically symmetric functions with a convex second derivative and applications to extremal probabilistic problems (01/2002)
MIA-06-55 » On Ky Fan's inequality and its additive analogues (10/2003)
MIA-08-34 » Sufficient conditions for convexity in a class of functions arising in telecommunications (04/2005)
MIA-08-37 » On approximate t-convexity (07/2005)
MIA-09-41 » The best bounds in Gautschi-Kershaw inequalities (07/2006)
MIA-10-04 » Decision functions and characterization of their properties (01/2007)
JMI-01-11 » Exact integral inequalities for convex functions (03/2007)
MIA-10-48 » Some new inequalities between important means and applications to Ky Fan - type inequalities (07/2007)
MIA-12-16 » Differential inequality conditions for dominance between continuous Archimedean t-norms (01/2009)
JMI-03-07 » Inequalities and Monotonicity properties for some special functions (03/2009)
OaM-03-15 » Trace inequalities and spectral shift (06/2009)
JMI-03-29 » Certain classes of analytic functions with negative coefficients associated with a convolution structure (06/2009)
JMI-03-43 » Log-convexity of combinatorial sequences from their convexity (09/2009)
MIA-12-51 » A look at the work of Josip Pečarić (10/2009)
MIA-12-63 » On two variable functional inequality and related functional equation (10/2009)
JMI-03-59 » Some inequalities relating to upper and lower bounds for the Riemann–Stieltjes integral (12/2009)
MIA-14-06 » An alternative proof of Elezović-Giordano-Pečarić's theorem (01/2011)
MIA-14-32 » A support theorem for t-Wright-convex functions (04/2011)
MIA-14-37 » Convexity of f(A)=(detA)m (04/2011)
MIA-14-42 » Bernstein-Doetsch type results for h-convex functions (07/2011)
JMI-06-10 » A new interpretation of Chebyshev's inequality for sequences of real numbers and quasi-arithmetic means (03/2012)
MIA-15-74 » The convexity and the concavity derived from Newton's inequality (10/2012)
MIA-16-37 » Approximate Hermite--Hadamard type inequalities for approximately convex functions (04/2013)
JMI-07-14 » A unitary approach to some classical inequalities (06/2013)
MIA-17-06 » On non-symmetric t-convex functions (01/2014)
JMI-08-29 » Some Hardy type inequalities with "broken" exponent p (09/2014)
JMI-08-36 » Some remarks on (s,m)-convexity in the second sense (09/2014)
MIA-18-28 » Wright type multiplicatively convex functions (01/2015)
MIA-18-37 » Properties of modified Bessel functions and completely monotonic degrees of differences between exponential and trigamma functions (04/2015)
JMI-09-38 » On some inequalities equivalent to the Wright-convexity (06/2015)
MIA-19-40 » Inequalities for averages of quasiconvex and superquadratic functions (04/2016)
MIA-19-57 » A note on convexity, concavity, and growth conditions in discrete fractional calculus with delta difference (04/2016)
MIA-19-69 » Convexity of Γ (x) Γ (1/x) (07/2016)
JMI-10-59 » Schur convexity of Stolarsky's extended mean values (09/2016)
JMI-11-16 » A note on inequalities due to Clausing and Levin-Stečkin (03/2017)
MIA-21-09 » Monotonicity and convexity of the ratios of the first kind modified Bessel functions and applications (01/2018)
MIA-21-14 » Relations between the generalized Bessel functions and the Janowski class (01/2018)
MIA-21-22 » More accurate classes of Jensen-type inequalities for convex and operator convex functions (04/2018)
MIA-21-23 » Separation by strongly h-convex functions (04/2018)
JMI-12-25 » Some inequalities related to p-Schatten norm (06/2018)
MIA-21-44 » On applications of inequalities for quasideviation means in actuarial mathematics (07/2018)
MIA-21-54 » Extensions and refinements of Fejer and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities (07/2018)
MIA-21-57 » Functions with strictly convex epigraph (07/2018)
JMI-12-57 » Extended normalized Jensen functional related to convexity, 1-quasiconvexity and superquadracity (09/2018)
JMI-12-67 » A family of Windschitl type approximations for gamma function (09/2018)
MIA-22-77 » On weighted quasi-arithmetic means which are convex (10/2019)
MIA-22-91 » A Criterion for the Converse of the Hermite-Hadamard Inequality on Simplices (10/2019)
MIA-23-54 » Exact upper bound on the sum of squared nearest-neighbor distances between points in a rectangle (04/2020)
JMI-14-35 » Hermite-Hadamard, Fejer and Sherman type inequalities for generalizations of superquadratic and convex functions (06/2020)
JMI-14-41 » Rearrangements and Jensen type inequalities related to convexity, superquadracity, strong convexity and 1-quasiconvexity (09/2020)
JMI-14-59 » A necessary and sufficient condition for the convexity of the generalized elliptic integral of the first kind with respect to Hölder mean (09/2020)
MIA-23-103 » Hermite-Hadamard type inequality for certain Schur convex functions (10/2020)
MIA-24-37 » Remarks on the monotonicity and convexity of Jensen's function (04/2021)
JMI-15-41 » A necessary and sufficient condition for the convexity of the one-parameter generalized inverse trigonometric sine function according to power mean (06/2021)
JMI-15-45 » Monotonicity, convexity and bounds involving the beta and Ramanujan R-functions (06/2021)
JMI-15-46 » On post quantum integral inequalities (06/2021)
MIA-24-60 » On the Hardy property of mixed means (07/2021)
JMI-16-02 » Fejer inequality for s-convex functions in the fourth sense (03/2022)
DEA-14-22 » Convexity in fractional h-discrete calculus (05/2022)
JMI-17-30 » Mathematical inequalities on some weighted means (06/2023)
FDC-13-10 » Hermite-Hadamard integral inequality for harmonically convex functions via Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals (12/2023)
JMI-18-06 » Analytic inequalities involving weighted exponential ψ-beta functions and applications (03/2024)
MIA-27-28 » Moving around the sums of orthogonal unit vectors (04/2024)