fractional integral

Articles containing keyword "fractional integral":

MIA-07-25 » Inequalities Involving Certain Families of Integral and Convolution Operators (04/2004)
MIA-13-23 » Singular integral inequalities and natural regularizations (04/2010)
JMI-04-34 » A good λ estimate for multilinear commutator of fractional integral on spaces of homogeneous type (09/2010)
JCA-01-07 » Generalized Stieltjes functions and their exact order (07/2012)
JMI-07-30 » The weighted estimate for the commutator of the generalized fractional integral (09/2013)
MIA-17-94 » Weighted estimates for vector-valued commutators of generalized fractional integrals (10/2014)
FDC-05-03 » An Opial-type integral inequality and exponentially convex functions (06/2015)
FDC-05-09 » Opial-type inequalities for fractional integral operator involving Mittag-Leffler function (06/2015)
MIA-18-119 » Applications of refined Hardy-type inequalities (10/2015)
DEA-08-14 » Existence and stability results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with delay and impulses (05/2016)
MIA-19-71 » Fractional integrals on Bσ-weighted Morrey spaces (07/2016)
JMI-10-53 » Weighted norm inequalities for Toeplitz type operator associated to singular integral operator with non-smooth kernel (09/2016)
JMI-10-82 » Generalized Opial-type inequalities for differential and integral operators with special kernels in fractional calculus (12/2016)
JMI-10-93 » Toeplitz type operators associated to singular integral with variable kernel on weighted Morrey spaces (12/2016)
MIA-20-58 » Characterizations of boundedness for generalized fractional integrals on martingale Morrey spaces (10/2017)
JMI-12-24 » Cauchy and Pólya-Szegö type inequalities involving two linear isotonic functionals (06/2018)
MIA-22-41 » Boundedness of generalized Riesz potentials of functions in Morrey spaces L(1,φ;κ)(G) over non-doubling measure spaces (04/2019)
MIA-22-44 » Commutators of fractional integrals on martingale Morrey spaces (04/2019)
MIA-23-94 » Two-weighted inequalities for the fractional integral associated to the Schrödinger operator (10/2020)
FDC-13-11 » Analytical and numerical study of a linear coupled system involving Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative with boundary conditions (12/2023)
FDC-14-07 » Recent results on fractional Lyapunov-type inequalities: A survey (06/2024)