modulus of continuity

Articles containing keyword "modulus of continuity":

MIA-10-80 » On behaviour of the Riesz and generalized Riesz potentials as order tends to zero (10/2007)
JMI-04-25 » Trigonometric approximation in generalized Lebesgue spaces Lp(x) (06/2010)
MIA-15-13 » Estimates for Bernstein type operators (01/2012)
MIA-15-71 » The inverse theorem of approximation theory in Smirnov-Orlicz classes (10/2012)
JCA-02-02 » Moments of a q-Baskakov-beta operators in case 0 (01/2013)
JCA-07-04 » Convergence estimates of certain q-Beta-Szász type operators (07/2015)
JCA-08-02 » Some approximation properties of hexagonal Fourier series (01/2016)
JMI-11-06 » Some bivariate Durrmeyer operators based on q-integers (03/2017)
OaM-12-06 » Estimates on singular values of functions of perturbed operators (03/2018)
MIA-22-58 » Approximation by Marcinkiewicz ϴ-means of double Walsh-Fourier series (07/2019)
JMI-13-61 » Approximation properties of (p,q)-Gamma operators (09/2019)
JCA-15-09 » On approximation properties of generalized q-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators (10/2019)
JCA-17-11 » A note on q-MKZ operators using generating functions (04/2021)
JMI-15-59 » Approximation by α-Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu operators (06/2021)
JMI-15-60 » Quantitative Dunkl analogue of Szász-Mirakyan operators (06/2021)
MIA-24-66 » Modulus of continuity of the quantum f-entropy with respect to the trace distance (10/2021)
JMI-16-32 » Some approximation results on a class of new type λ-Bernstein polynomials (06/2022)
JMI-16-41 » On the q-analogues for some Kantorovich type linear operators (06/2022)
JMI-16-50 » Approximation properties of generalized blending type Lototsky-Bernstein operators (06/2022)
JMI-16-55 » Construction of the Kantorovich variant of the Bernstein-Chlodovsky operators based on parameter α (06/2022)
JMI-16-57 » Weighted A-statistical convergence and Bögel approximation by operators of exponential type (09/2022)
JMI-16-68 » Deferred statistical convergence and power summability method for 𝖖-Laguerre polynomials operator (09/2022)
JCA-22-02 » Modified Jain-Pethe-Baskakov-Durrmeyer operators and their quantitative estimates (07/2023)
MIA-27-36 » Approximation by de la Vallée Poussin type Marcinkiewicz matrix transform means of Walsh-Fourier series (07/2024)

Articles containing keyword "shape-preserving properties":

JMI-16-50 » Approximation properties of generalized blending type Lototsky-Bernstein operators (06/2022)