reproducing kernel Hilbert space

Articles containing keyword "reproducing kernel Hilbert space":

OaM-04-26 » Normals, subnormals and an open question (12/2010)
OaM-11-52 » Gram matrices of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces over graphs III (09/2017)
OaM-15-64 » New Berezin symbol inequalities for operators on the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (09/2021)
OaM-18-06 » Berezin number inequalities via positivity of 2 × 2 block matrices (03/2024)
OaM-18-09 » On the Berezin number of operator matrices (03/2024)
OaM-18-27 » Some novel inequalities for Berezin number of operators (06/2024)
OaM-18-28 » Complex Weyl symbols of the extended metaplectic representation operators (06/2024)

Articles containing keyword "reproducing kernel Hilbert spacse":

OaM-15-96 » A functional decomposition of finite bandwidth reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (12/2021)