weighted composition operator

Articles containing keyword "weighted composition operator":

MIA-16-22 » Weighted composition operator from Bloch-type space to H space on the unit ball (01/2013)
MIA-17-70 » Weighted composition operators from the Lipschitz space into the Zygmund space (07/2014)
MIA-19-73 » Weighted composition operators from Dirichlet type spaces to weighted type spaces (07/2016)
MIA-19-79 » Weighted composition operators from weighted-type spaces to Zygmund-type spaces (07/2016)
MIA-20-19 » Weighted composition operators from Zygmund type spaces into Bloch type spaces (01/2017)
JMI-11-22 » Inequalities involving norm and essential norm of weighted composition operators (03/2017)
OaM-11-46 » Normal weighted composition operators on the Fock space of N (09/2017)
OaM-12-12 » Weighted composition and block shift matrix operators on 2(ℕ) space (03/2018)
MIA-21-49 » Essential norm of weighted composition operators on Zygmund-type spaces with normal weight (07/2018)
OaM-12-60 » Norms of hyponormal weighted composition operators on the Hardy and weighted Bergman spaces (12/2018)
OaM-12-71 » Difference of composition operators on the Bergman spaces over the ball (12/2018)
MIA-22-03 » Essential norm of weighted composition operators between Bloch-type spaces in the open unit ball (01/2019)
MIA-22-27 » Weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to Stević-type spaces (01/2019)
OaM-13-34 » Weighted composition operators on the Fock space (06/2019)
OaM-13-41 » Weighted composition operators between Lipschitz spaces on pointed metric spaces (06/2019)
MIA-23-97 » Weighted composition operators from Dirichlet-type spaces into Stević-type spaces (10/2020)
OaM-15-32 » Eigenvectors and spectra of some weighted composition operators on Lp spaces (06/2021)
OaM-15-57 » Essential norm of weighted composition followed and proceeded by differentiation operator from Bloch-type into Bers-type spaces (09/2021)
OaM-15-102 » Complex symmetry of weighted composition operators on a Hilbert space of Dirichlet series (12/2021)
OaM-16-42 » Erratum to Essential norm of weighted composition followed and proceeded by differentiation operator from Bloch-type into Bers-type spaces, Operators and Matrices, 15 (3) (2021), 853-870 (06/2022)
OaM-16-74 » Unitary, self-adjoint and 𝒥-symmetric weighted composition operators on Fock-Sobolev spaces (12/2022)
JMI-16-92 » Numerical ranges of sum of two weighted composition operators on the Hardy space H2 (12/2022)
MIA-27-43 » Weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman-Orlicz spaces with doubling weights to weighted Zygmund spaces (07/2024)

Articles containing keyword "weighted composition operators":

JMI-07-38 » Difference of composition operators on Hardy space (09/2013)
OaM-12-20 » Products of radial derivative and weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman-Orlicz spaces to weighted-type spaces (06/2018)
OaM-13-10 » Fredholm weighted composition operators (03/2019)
MIA-23-81 » On Stević-Sharma operators from weighted Bergman spaces to weighted-type spaces (07/2020)