
Articles containing subject class 15A42:

MIA-01-01 » Hölder type inequalities for matrices (01/1998)
MIA-01-14 » Estimating the Extreme Singular Values of Matrices (04/1998)
MIA-03-18 » Interlacing of eigenvalues and invariant factors (04/2000)
MIA-03-32 » Trace inequalities for multiple products of two matrices (07/2000)
MIA-06-34 » A note on Weyl's interlacing inequality (07/2003)
MIA-06-67 » Optimizers for Sub-Sums subject to a Sum- and a Schur-Convex Constraint with Applications to Estimation of Eigenvalues (10/2003)
MIA-07-34 » A variational proof of Birkhoff's theorem on doubly stochastic matrices (07/2004)
MIA-07-49 » A conjecture about the inertia of Hermitian matrices (10/2004)
MIA-07-60 » Norm inequalities involving matrix monotone functions (10/2004)
MIA-10-45 » Antieigenvalues and antisingularvalues of a matrix and applications to problems in statistics (07/2007)
MIA-10-65 » Several inequalities for the largest singular value and the spectral radius of matrices (10/2007)
OaM-01-27 » Approximate permutability of traces on semigroups of matrices (12/2007)
OaM-02-09 » Commutators, pinchings, and spectral variation (03/2008)
JMI-02-11 » Some more inequalities for arithmetic mean, harmonic mean and variance (03/2008)
MIA-11-34 » Majorization inequalities related to increasing convex functions in a semifinite von Neumann algebra (07/2008)
OaM-03-25 » Asymptotic behavior of Gelfand-Naimark decomposition (09/2009)
JMI-04-32 » Some better bounds on the variance with applications (09/2010)
JMI-04-36 » Bounds for eigenvalues of a graph (09/2010)
JMI-04-46 » Sums of real parts of eigenvalues of perturbed matrices (12/2010)
OaM-05-27 » Estimating eigenvalues of matrices by induced norms (09/2011)
MIA-14-67 » Polarization of an inequality (10/2011)
MIA-14-79 » Extensions of inequalities involving Kantorovich constant (10/2011)
MIA-15-02 » A note on the weighted harmonic-geometric-arithmetic means inequalities (01/2012)
JMI-06-28 » Inequalities for unitarily invariant norms (06/2012)
JMI-06-41 » On a conjecture of Schinzel and Zassenhaus (09/2012)
JMI-06-42 » On improved arithmetic-geometric mean and Heinz inequalities for matrices (09/2012)
JMI-06-59 » Some inequalities for unitarily invariant norms (12/2012)
JMI-06-60 » A lower bound for the smallest singular value (12/2012)
OaM-07-12 » Successive iterations and logarithmic means (03/2013)
MIA-16-59 » Matrix Young numerical radius inequalities (07/2013)
OaM-07-41 » Weak majorization inequalities for singular values (09/2013)
JMI-07-34 » Inequalities related to Heinz and Heron means (09/2013)
JMI-07-48 » Some inequalities for the spectral radius of the Hadamard product of two nonnegative matrices (09/2013)
JMI-07-55 » On some bounds for real parts of the critical points of polynomials (12/2013)
MIA-17-23 » New bounds for the spread of the signless Laplacian spectrum (01/2014)
OaM-08-06 » Invariance of total nonnegativity of a tridiagonal matrix under element-wise perturbation (03/2014)
JMI-08-09 » Equivalence of some matrix inequalities (03/2014)
MIA-17-83 » Riemann sums for self-adjoint operators (07/2014)
MIA-18-42 » On the Fan and Lidskii majorisations of positive semidefinite matrices (04/2015)
JMI-09-43 » Inequalities for the Frobenius norm (06/2015)
JMI-09-69 » A note on some inequalities for unitarily invariant norms (09/2015)
OaM-09-54 » Inequalities related to 2 ✕ 2 block PPT matrices (12/2015)
JMI-10-04 » Some results for the zeros of a class of Fibonacci-type polynomials (03/2016)
MIA-19-55 » Some inequalities involving operator monotone functions and operator means (04/2016)
OaM-10-21 » Singular value inequalities related to the Audenaert-Zhan inequality (06/2016)
JMI-10-44 » Improved Young and Heinz inequalities with the Kantorovich constant (06/2016)
JMI-10-73 » A remark on “Inequalities for the Frobenius norm” (09/2016)
OaM-10-51 » Some inequalities for sector matrices (12/2016)
MIA-20-02 » Some inequalities for powers of positive definite matrices (01/2017)
MIA-20-16 » Remarks on some norm inequalities for positive semidefinite matrices and questions of Bourin (01/2017)
JMI-11-50 » On the reverse Young and Heinz inequalities (09/2017)
MIA-21-11 » On symmetric norm inequalities and positive definite block-matrices (01/2018)
JMI-12-23 » On reverses of the Golden-Thompson type inequalities (06/2018)
MIA-21-47 » Inequalities among eigenvalues of different self-adjoint discrete Sturm-Liouville problems (07/2018)
OaM-12-54 » Eigenvalue sums of combinatorial magnetic Laplacians on finite graphs (09/2018)
OaM-12-64 » The new reverses of Young type inequalities for numbers, operators and matrices (12/2018)
MIA-22-52 » Unitary congruences and positive block-matrices (07/2019)
MIA-22-54 » Inequalities for certain powers of positive definite matrices (07/2019)
MIA-22-70 » Inequalities for certain powers of several positive definite matrices (07/2019)
OaM-13-66 » On the location of eigenvalues of matrix polynomials (12/2019)
OaM-13-74 » Examples for the quantum Kippenhahn theorem (12/2019)
MIA-23-57 » Norm inequalities of Davidson-Power type (04/2020)
JMI-14-26 » Refinements and reverses of Young type inequalities (06/2020)
JMI-14-90 » An eigenvalue inequality for positive semidefinite k × k block matrices (12/2020)
JMI-15-07 » A note on variance bounds and location of eigenvalues (03/2021)
JMI-15-13 » Two lower bounds about singular subspaces (03/2021)
MIA-24-30 » Matrix rearrangement inequalities revisited (04/2021)
OaM-15-36 » Refining eigenvalue inequalities for block 2 × 2 positive semidefinite matrices (06/2021)
OaM-15-39 » Inequalities related to the geometric mean of accretive matrices (06/2021)
MIA-24-55 » Lower bounds for the spread of a nonnegative matrix (07/2021)
JMI-15-88 » Singular value and norm inequalities of Davidson-Power type (09/2021)
MIA-24-66 » Modulus of continuity of the quantum f-entropy with respect to the trace distance (10/2021)
MIA-25-09 » Majorization refinements of Ky Fan's eigenvalue inequality and related results (01/2022)
JMI-16-05 » Two new lower bounds for the smallest singular value (03/2022)
JMI-16-25 » A note on “An eigenvalue inequality for positive semidefinite k × k block matrices” (03/2022)
OaM-16-25 » Inequalities on 2 × 2 block accretive matrices (06/2022)
OaM-16-29 » Matrix splitting and ideals in 𝓑(𝓗) (06/2022)
JMI-16-51 » Singular value inequalities for accretive-dissipative normal operators (06/2022)
MIA-25-42 » Refinements of two determinantal inequalities for positive semidefinite matrices (07/2022)
OaM-16-54 » Note on bounds for eigenvalues using traces (09/2022)
MIA-26-02 » Some bounds for central moments and spreads of matrices (01/2023)
JMI-17-15 » Some new improvements of Young's inequalities (03/2023)
JMI-17-23 » Equivalence on Hiroshima's type inequalities for positive semidefinite block matrices (03/2023)
MIA-26-31 » On the constant in the Hardy inequality for finite sequences (04/2023)
OaM-17-26 » Trace inequalities related to 2 × 2 block sector matrices (06/2023)
JMI-17-37 » Generalization of some unitarily invariant norm inequalities for matrices (06/2023)
JMI-17-56 » Two lower bounds for the smallest singular value of matrices (09/2023)
OaM-17-66 » Some inequalities for eigenvalues and positive linear maps (12/2023)
JMI-17-93 » Skew-circulant matrix and critical points of polynomials (12/2023)
JMI-17-97 » Singular value inequalities of matrices with concave functions (12/2023)
OaM-18-16 » Further properties of PPT and (α,β)-normal matrices (03/2024)
JMI-18-18 » Further improvements for Young's inequalities on the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic mean (03/2024)
JMI-18-32 » Lower bounds for the smallest singular value via permutation matrices (06/2024)
MIA-27-54 » Singular values of compact operators via operator matrices (07/2024)