
Articles containing subject class 30C15:

MIA-02-18 » Inequalities for a polynomial and its derivative (04/1999)
MIA-06-42 » Inequalities describing the growth of polynomials not vanishing in a disk of prescribed radius (07/2003)
MIA-09-11 » Estimates for the modulii of the zeros of a polynomial (01/2006)
MIA-09-23 » Zeros of certain trinomial equations (04/2006)
MIA-09-29 » On reciprocal polynomials with zeros of modulus one (04/2006)
MIA-10-68 » On the zeros of a class of polynomials (10/2007)
MIA-10-71 » Circular interlacing with reciprocal polynomials (10/2007)
OaM-02-27 » Polynomial matrices with hermitian coefficients and a generalization of the Eneström-Kakeya theorem (09/2008)
OaM-03-05 » Block companion matrices, discrete-time block diagonal stability and polynomial matrices (03/2009)
MIA-13-54 » A remark about positive polynomials (10/2010)
OaM-05-05 » Polynomial inverse images and polynomial numerical hulls of normal matrices (03/2011)
OaM-05-37 » Self-inversive matrix polynomials with semisimple spectrum on the unit circle (09/2011)
JMI-05-31 » Growth of polynomials with prescribed zeros (09/2011)
MIA-15-70 » Inequalities for products of zeros of polynomials and entire functions (10/2012)
JCA-02-03 » Generalizations of some polynomial inequalities for the family of B-operators (01/2013)
JMI-07-39 » Bounds for the zeros of a class of lacunary-type polynomials (09/2013)
JCA-03-13 » Bound for the zeros of polynomials (10/2013)
JMI-07-55 » On some bounds for real parts of the critical points of polynomials (12/2013)
JCA-04-09 » Zeros of certain polynomials and analytic functions with restricted coefficients (04/2014)
MIA-17-60 » Location of the zeros of trinomials and quadrinomials (07/2014)
MIA-17-88 » On properties for m-polynomials of unit p-balls (07/2014)
JMI-10-04 » Some results for the zeros of a class of Fibonacci-type polynomials (03/2016)
MIA-20-01 » Some generalizations and probability versions of Samuelson's inequality (01/2017)
MIA-20-18 » On sufficient conditions for a polynomial to be sign-independently hyperbolic or to have real separated zeros (01/2017)
JMI-11-14 » An Upper bound of a derivative for some class of polynomials (03/2017)
MIA-20-38 » Bounds for the zeros of polynomials from numerical radius inequalities (04/2017)
JCA-10-09 » On an integral inequality of M.A. Malik (04/2017)
MIA-20-52 » Bounds for the radii of univalence of some special functions (07/2017)
JCA-11-02 » Further exploration of Riemann's functional equation (07/2017)
OaM-11-67 » Truncated moment problems in 2 and recursiveness (12/2017)
JCA-12-04 » Uncovering functional relationships at zeros with special reference to Riemann's Zeta Function (01/2018)
JCA-12-07 » On sharpening of a Theorem of T. J. Rivlin (04/2018)
OaM-13-07 » A surjectivity problem for 3 by 3 matrices (03/2019)
JCA-14-08 » On some generalizations of Eneström-Kakeya theorem (04/2019)
JCA-16-05 » Generalization of Eneström-Kakeya theorem and its extension to analytic functions (01/2020)
JMI-14-04 » A note on two recent results about polynomials with restricted zeros (03/2020)
MIA-23-52 » Remarks to a theorem of Sinclair and Vaaler (04/2020)
JCA-18-03 » Number of zeros of a certain class of polynomials in a specific region (07/2021)
OaM-15-98 » Erratum to "A surjectivity problem for 3 by 3 matrices, Operator and Matrices, 13, no. 1, (2019) 111–119" (12/2021)
MIA-25-06 » On the number of real zeros of real entire functions with a non-decreasing sequence of the second quotients of Taylor coefficients (01/2022)
JCA-19-01 » Location of zeros of the polar derivative of a polynomial (01/2022)
JCA-19-02 » Improved upper bound of third order Hankel determinant for Ozaki close-to-convex functions (01/2022)
JCA-19-04 » A note on Eneström-Kakeya theorem (01/2022)
OaM-16-24 » Determinantal polynomials of a weighted shift matrix with palindromic geometric weights (06/2022)
JCA-20-08 » Location of zeros of Lacunary-type polynomials in annular regions (10/2022)
MIA-26-06 » A sufficient condition for a complex polynomial to have only simple zeros and an analog of Hutchinson's theorem for real polynomials (01/2023)
OaM-17-28 » On zeros of matrix-valued analytic functions (06/2023)
JCA-23-01 » Generalization of Grace's theorem, Schur-Szegö composition and Cohn-Egerváry theorem for bicomplex polynomials (01/2024)
JCA-23-04 » On the lacunary-type univariate complex polynomials (01/2024)