
Articles containing subject class 30H10:

OaM-08-26 » Near invariance and symmetric operators (06/2014)
OaM-10-03 » A subnormal Toeplitz completion (03/2016)
OaM-10-09 » Model spaces and Toeplitz kernels in reflexive Hardy space (03/2016)
MIA-20-19 » Weighted composition operators from Zygmund type spaces into Bloch type spaces (01/2017)
OaM-11-17 » Asymmetric truncated Toeplitz operators on finite-dimensional spaces (03/2017)
OaM-12-14 » An extension of the Chen-Beurling-Helson-Lowdenslager theorem (03/2018)
MIA-21-49 » Essential norm of weighted composition operators on Zygmund-type spaces with normal weight (07/2018)
OaM-12-37 » Semigroups of truncated Toeplitz operators (09/2018)
MIA-22-27 » Weighted composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to Stević-type spaces (01/2019)
MIA-23-17 » On Stević-Sharma operators from Hardy spaces to Stević weighted spaces (01/2020)
JMI-14-30 » A note on Gaussian integral means of entire functions (06/2020)
MIA-23-97 » Weighted composition operators from Dirichlet-type spaces into Stević-type spaces (10/2020)
OaM-14-49 » An extension of the Beurling-Chen-Hadwin-Shen theorem for noncommutative Hardy spaces associated with finite von Neumann algebras (12/2020)
OaM-14-52 » Harmonic Hardy space and their operators (12/2020)
OaM-15-79 » Weighted operator-valued function spaces applied to the stability of delay systems (12/2021)
OaM-16-37 » Complex symmetric weighted composition-differentiation operators of order $n$ on the weighted Bergman spaces (06/2022)
OaM-17-09 » Duality of generalized Hardy and BMO spaces associated with singular partial differential operator (03/2023)
OaM-17-14 » Numerical ranges of some Foguel operators (03/2023)
OaM-17-20 » Uncertainty inequalities for weighted spaces of analytic functions on the unit disk (06/2023)
MIA-26-35 » Convexity properties of area integral means over the annuli (07/2023)
OaM-17-73 » Generalized weighted composition operators on weighted Hardy spaces (12/2023)