
Articles containing subject class 34A12:

MIA-08-59 » Necessary conditions for solving initial value problems with infima of superfunctions (10/2005)
MIA-09-26 » Some new integral inequalities with applications (04/2006)
MIA-10-81 » A relation between two classes of indefinite weights in singular one-dimensional p-Laplacian problems (10/2007)
OaM-07-15 » Initial value problems and Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for Schrödinger operators with operator-valued potentials (06/2013)
DEA-05-29 » Random set-valued functional differential equations with the second type Hukuhara derivative (11/2013)
OaM-08-12 » A functional analytic perspective to delay differential equations (03/2014)
FDC-04-04 » Existence of mild solutions for nonlocal semilinear fractional evolution equations (06/2014)
DEA-06-24 » Results of local and global mild solution for impulsive fractional differential equation with state dependent delay (08/2014)
JCA-05-11 » Solutions to fractional differential equations that extend (10/2014)
FDC-04-05 » Positive solutions of an integrodifferential multi-point initial value problem with fractional order (12/2014)
FDC-04-08 » Existence and uniqueness of mild solution for nonlocal impulsive integro-differential equation with state dependent delay (12/2014)
FDC-05-06 » Existence of mild solutions for impulsive fractional functional integro-differential equations (06/2015)
FDC-05-07 » Maximal solutions to fractional differential equations (06/2015)
DEA-08-06 » Some generalizations of a hybrid fixed point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces and nonlinear functional integral equations (02/2016)
DEA-08-26 » Coupled systems of fractional -difference boundary value problems (11/2016)
DEA-09-11 » Nonexistence of solutions for second-order initial value problems (02/2017)
DEA-09-17 » On a generalization of the Liouville formula (05/2017)
FDC-07-01 » New boundary value problems for higher order impulsive fractional differential equations and their solvability (06/2017)
DEA-09-31 » A coupled hybrid fixed point theorem involving the sum of two coupled operators in a partially ordered Banach space with applications (11/2017)
DEA-10-11 » Nonlocal boundary value problems for (p, q)-difference equations (05/2018)
FDC-08-09 » Qualitative results for solutions to nonlinear Caputo differential equations satisfying the Osgood condition (06/2018)
DEA-11-01 » Coupled and mixed coupled hybrid fixed point principles in a partially ordered Banach algebra and PBVPs of nonlinear coupled quadratic differential equations (02/2019)
DEA-11-02 » A Gronwall inequality and the Cauchy-type problem by means of ψ-Hilfer operator (02/2019)
DEA-11-06 » Generalized first order dynamic equations on time scales with Δ-Carathéodory functions (02/2019)
FDC-09-04 » On the weak solution u ∈ C1-α(I,E) of a fractional-order weighted Cauchy type problem in reflexive Banach spaces (06/2019)
DEA-11-14 » Positive solutions for fractional integro-boundary value problem of order (1,2) on an unbounded domain (08/2019)
JMI-13-73 » On retarded nonlinear integral inequalities of Gronwall and applications (12/2019)
JCA-16-13 » Nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales with impulses and nonlocal conditions (04/2020)
DEA-12-24 » Existence results and continuity dependence of solutions for fractional equations (11/2020)
FDC-11-04 » On criteria of existence for nonlinear Katugampola fractional differential equations with p-Laplacian operator (06/2021)
FDC-11-06 » A uniqueness criterion for nontrivial solutions of the nonlinear higher-order ∇-difference systems of fractional-order (06/2021)
DEA-13-15 » Existence and continuation of solutions of Hilfer-Katugampola-type fractional differential equations (08/2021)
JMI-15-103 » Hyers-Ulam stability for second order linear differential equations of Carathéodory type (12/2021)
FDC-11-14 » On the backward problems in time for time-fractional subdiffusion equations (12/2021)
FDC-11-16 » Existence results for a Caputo-Hadamard type fractional boundary value problem (12/2021)
JMI-16-21 » Weakly singular Henry-Gronwall-Bihari type inequalities and their applications (03/2022)
DEA-14-09 » Measure of noncompactness and fractional hybrid differential equations with hybrid conditions (05/2022)
DEA-14-16 » An efficient heat problem (05/2022)
JMI-16-40 » New retarded dynamic inequalities on time scales with applications (06/2022)
FDC-12-05 » On the uniqueness of solutions of two inverse problems for the subdiffusion equation (06/2022)
DEA-14-31 » On the periodic solutions for nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations with ψ-Hilfer fractional derivative (08/2022)
DEA-15-06 » The e-positive mild solutions for impulsive evolution fractional differential equations with sectorial operator (05/2023)
DEA-16-06 » New uniqueness criterion for Cauchy problems of Caputo fractional multi-term differential equations (05/2024)