
Articles containing subject class 35J70:

MIA-10-72 » Regularity results for degenerate elliptic equations related to Gauss measure (10/2007)
DEA-01-13 » Asymptotic behavior of radial minimizers of a p-energy functional with nonvanishing Dirichlet boundary condition (05/2009)
DEA-01-14 » Existence, nonexistence and multiplicity results for semilinear elliptic problems with measure data and absorption-reaction term (05/2009)
DEA-01-20 » On an eigenvalue problem involving the p(x)-Laplace operator plus a non-local term (08/2009)
MIA-13-09 » Sobolev embeddings for unbounded domain with variable exponent having values across N (01/2010)
DEA-02-07 » Comparison, existence and regularity results for a class of non-uniformly elliptic equations (02/2010)
DEA-02-13 » On degenerate non-uniformly elliptic problems (05/2010)
MIA-13-38 » Hardy inequalities with remainder terms for the generalized Baouendi-Grushin vector fields (07/2010)
DEA-02-24 » Existence of non-radially symmetric viscosity solutions to semilinear degenerate elliptic equations with radially symmetric coefficients in the plane, Part II (08/2010)
DEA-02-32 » A Brezis-Nirenberg type theorem on local minimizers for p(x)-Kirchhoff Dirichlet problems and applications (11/2010)
DEA-03-30 » A concave-convex quasilinear elliptic problem subject to a nonlinear boundary condition (11/2011)
DEA-03-37 » Some results about a quasilinear singular parabolic equation (11/2011)
DEA-04-02 » Existence of solutions for some noncoercive elliptic problems involving derivatives of nonlinear terms (02/2012)
DEA-04-35 » Existence of positive solutions for a singular problems of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-Lin type (11/2012)
DEA-05-33 » Existence and multiplicity of solutions for semilinear elliptic systems involving Hardy-Sobolev critical nonlinearity (11/2013)
DEA-05-35 » Existence and multiplicity of solutions to a p(x)-Laplacian equation with nonlinear boundary condition on unbounded domain (11/2013)
MIA-17-21 » Local gradient estimates for the p(x)-Laplacian elliptic equations (01/2014)
JMI-08-16 » Local Hölder estimates for general elliptic p(x)-Laplacian equations (06/2014)
MIA-23-50 » A new fractional order Poincare's inequality with weights (04/2020)
DEA-12-11 » Multiple solutions of systems involving fractional Kirchhoff-type equations with critical growth (05/2020)
DEA-12-23 » A variational method for solving quasilinear elliptic systems involving symmetric multi-polar potentials (11/2020)
JMI-14-78 » One dimensional weighted Hardy's inequalities and application (12/2020)
JMI-17-80 » Anisotropic nonlinear elliptic system with degenerate coercivity and Lm data (09/2023)
DEA-16-03 » Fundamental solutions: a brief review (02/2024)
JMI-18-07 » Generalized weighted Hardy's inequalities with compact perturbations (03/2024)