
Articles containing subject class 42B35:

MIA-11-06 » Inequality of O'Neil-type for convolutions associated with the Laplace-Bessel differential operator and applications (01/2008)
OaM-02-29 » A note on anisotropic potentials associated with the Laplace-Bessel differential operator (12/2008)
JMI-02-38 » Meda inequality for rearrangements of the B-convolutions and some applications (12/2008)
JMI-03-34 » Bootstrapping weighted Fourier inequalities (09/2009)
MIA-13-24 » Boundedness of generalized Hardy operators on weighted amalgam spaces (04/2010)
MIA-13-42 » On a generalization of the Lizorkin theorem on Fourier multipliers (07/2010)
JMI-05-09 » The Stein-Weiss type inequalities for the B-Riesz potentials (03/2011)
MIA-14-71 » Some inequalities for generalized fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces (10/2011)
JMI-05-43 » Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the Riesz potential in modified Morrey spaces (12/2011)
MIA-15-44 » Pointwise and integral estimates for the fractional integrals on the Laguerre hypergroup (07/2012)
DEA-04-27 » The ADMB-KdV equation in anisotropic Sobolev spaces (08/2012)
JMI-07-30 » The weighted estimate for the commutator of the generalized fractional integral (09/2013)
MIA-17-25 » Weighted norm inequalities for the g-Littlewood-Paley operators associated with Laplace-Bessel differential operators (01/2014)
MIA-17-30 » Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of the maximal operator from Lebesgue spaces to Morrey-type spaces (04/2014)
MIA-17-46 » Morrey spaces are closely embedded between vanishing Stummel spaces (04/2014)
MIA-17-56 » Characterizations for the generalized fractional integral operators on Morrey spaces (04/2014)
JMI-08-15 » Properties of the symbol of multidimensional singular integrals in the weighted spaces and oscillating multipliers (06/2014)
JMI-08-60 » Marcinkiewicz integrals associated with Schrödinger operator on generalized Morrey spaces (12/2014)
MIA-18-11 » Some results for Hausdorff operators (01/2015)
JMI-09-23 » Parabolic fractional maximal and integral operators with rough kernels in parabolic generalized Morrey spaces (03/2015)
JMI-09-24 » Embeddings between weighted local Morrey-type spaces and weighted Lebesgue spaces (03/2015)
MIA-18-40 » A Young-like inequality with applications to the commutator estimates (04/2015)
MIA-18-59 » Endpoint estimates for commutators of intrinsic square functions in Morrey type spaces (07/2015)
JMI-09-54 » Some estimates for Hausdorff operators (09/2015)
MIA-19-07 » On the upper and lower estimates of norms in variable exponent spaces (01/2016)
MIA-19-11 » Notes on the Herz-type Hardy spaces of variable smoothness and integrability (01/2016)
MIA-19-13 » Commutators of Riesz transforms with Lipschitz functions related to magnetic Schrödinger operators (01/2016)
MIA-19-42 » Hausdorff operators on the weighted Herz-type Hardy spaces (04/2016)
MIA-19-50 » Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya inequalities and Hausdorff operators on block spaces (04/2016)
MIA-19-63 » Rough singular integral operators and its commutators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces (07/2016)
MIA-19-71 » Fractional integrals on Bσ-weighted Morrey spaces (07/2016)
JMI-10-77 » Commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals associated with Schrödinger operator on generalized weighted Morrey spaces (12/2016)
JMI-10-79 » The molecular decomposition of Herz-Morrey-Hardy spaces with variable exponents and its application (12/2016)
MIA-20-04 » Weak and strong type estimates for the commutators of Hausdorff operators (01/2017)
JMI-11-05 » Some estimates of Hardy operators and their commutators on Morrey-Herz spaces (03/2017)
JMI-11-24 » Commutators of generalized Calderón-Zygmund operators on weighted Herz-type Hardy spaces (03/2017)
DEA-09-23 » Area integrals and the exponential square theorem for elliptic operators with coefficients supported in Whitney type cubes (08/2017)
JMI-11-49 » Endpoint estimates for commutators of sublinear operators in the Morrey-type spaces (09/2017)
JMI-11-57 » On some multilinear commutators in variable Lebesgue spaces (09/2017)
JMI-11-60 » On rough generalized parametric Marcinkiewicz integrals (09/2017)
JMI-11-62 » An intrinsic square function on weighted Herz spaces with variable exponent (09/2017)
MIA-20-58 » Characterizations of boundedness for generalized fractional integrals on martingale Morrey spaces (10/2017)
MIA-21-01 » Necessary conditions for the boundedness of linear and bilinear commutators on Banach function spaces (01/2018)
MIA-21-04 » Maximal and singular integral operators and their commutators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces with variable exponent (01/2018)
MIA-21-20 » On the harmonic and geometric maximal operators (01/2018)
JMI-12-26 » Boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals on Hardy spaces Hp over non-homogeneous metric measure spaces (06/2018)
JMI-12-60 » Fractional integral associated with Schrödinger operator on vanishing generalized Morrey spaces (09/2018)
JMI-12-62 » Generalized fractional maximal functions in Lorentz spaces Λ (09/2018)
JMI-12-80 » Weighted estimates for Marcinkiewicz integrals with non-smooth kernels on spaces of homogeneous type and their applications (12/2018)
JMI-12-89 » Commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals with rough kernels on Herz-type Hardy spaces with variable exponent (12/2018)
MIA-22-06 » On multilinear commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals in variable exponent Lebesgue and Herz type spaces (01/2019)
MIA-22-24 » Weighted Morrey estimates for Hausdorff operator and its commutator on the Heisenberg group (01/2019)
MIA-22-25 » Commutators of Riesz potential in the vanishing generalized weighted Morrey spaces with variable exponent (01/2019)
MIA-22-44 » Commutators of fractional integrals on martingale Morrey spaces (04/2019)
MIA-22-46 » Bilinear Fourier multiplier operators on variable Triebel spaces (04/2019)
JMI-13-26 » Orlicz-fractional maximal operators on weighted Lp spaces (06/2019)
JMI-13-80 » Some results for the commutators of generalized Hausdorff operator (12/2019)
MIA-23-32 » A weighted estimate for generalized harmonic extensions (04/2020)
MIA-23-45 » Inclusion between generalized Stummel classes and other function spaces (04/2020)
JMI-14-34 » A generalization of the boundedness of certain integral operators in variable Lebesgue spaces (06/2020)
JMI-14-48 » Inhomogeneous multi-parameter Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces associated with different homogeneities and boundedness of composition operators (09/2020)
MIA-23-108 » Local sharp maximal functions, geometrical maximal functions and rough maximal functions on local Morrey spaces with variable exponents (10/2020)
MIA-23-94 » Two-weighted inequalities for the fractional integral associated to the Schrödinger operator (10/2020)
JMI-14-70 » Some necessary and sufficient conditions for a VMO function (12/2020)
JMI-14-81 » Weighted estimates for bilinear fractional integral operator of iterated product commutators on Morrey spaces (12/2020)
MIA-24-10 » Improved fractional Hardy inequalities for Dunkl gradient (01/2021)
JMI-15-03 » Fractional integral operators with homogeneous kernels on generalized Lorentz-Morrey spaces (03/2021)
JMI-15-14 » Characterizations for the fractional integral operator and its commutators in generalized weighted Morrey spaces on Carnot groups (03/2021)
JMI-15-20 » Parametric Littlewood-Paley operators on variable Herz-Morrey spaces (03/2021)
JMI-15-27 » Approximation properties of combination of multivariate averages on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces (03/2021)
OaM-15-61 » Bilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators on two weight Herz spaces with variable exponents (09/2021)
MIA-24-65 » Weighted estimates and compactness of variation operators (10/2021)
MIA-24-67 » Inhomogeneous Lipschitz spaces associated with flag singular integrals and their applications (10/2021)
MIA-24-81 » Weighted boundedness of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal and Calderón-Zygmund operators on Orlicz-Morrey and weak Orlicz-Morrey spaces (10/2021)
OaM-15-97 » Multilinear Hausdorff operator and commutators on weighted Morrey and Herz spaces (12/2021)
JMI-15-99 » Sharp estimates for m-linear p-adic Hardy and Hardy-Littlewood-Pólya operators on p-adic central Morrey spaces (12/2021)
JMI-16-17 » Generalized weighted Sobolev-Morrey estimates for hypoelliptic operators with drift on homogeneous groups (03/2022)
JMI-16-26 » Some notes on the inclusion between Morrey spaces (03/2022)
MIA-25-28 » Fourier transform of variable anisotropic Hardy spaces with applications to Hardy-Littlewood inequalities (04/2022)
MIA-25-30 » Abstract Hardy spaces (04/2022)
JMI-16-47 » Estimates for weighted Hardy-Littlewood averages and their commutators on mixed central Morrey spaces (06/2022)
MIA-25-46 » Fractional integral operator with rough kernel on various closed subspaces of Morrey spaces (07/2022)
MIA-25-50 » Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of commutators of bilinear Hardy-Littlewood maximal function (07/2022)
JMI-16-59 » Multilinear commutators related to maximal function on Morrey-Banach space and its application (09/2022)
MIA-25-61 » Hardy operators and commutators on generalized central function spaces (10/2022)
JMI-16-98 » Maximal commutator and commutator of maximal function on total Morrey spaces (12/2022)
MIA-26-29 » Characterizations of Lipschitz functions via the commutators of maximal function in Orlicz spaces on stratified Lie groups (04/2023)
MIA-26-33 » Inequalities for weighted spaces with variable exponents (04/2023)
JMI-17-42 » Block decomposition for Herz spaces associated with ball Banach function spaces (06/2023)
JMI-17-51 » Dimension-free estimates for Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions with mixed homogeneities (06/2023)
MIA-26-40 » Commutators generated by BMO-functions and the fractional integrals on Orlicz-Morrey spaces (07/2023)
MIA-26-41 » The ε-maximal operator and Haar multipliers on variable Lebesgue spaces (07/2023)
MIA-26-53 » Operators on Herz-Morrey spaces with variable exponents (10/2023)
OaM-17-75 » CBMO estimates for some multilinear operators on mixed Herz spaces (12/2023)
MIA-27-16 » Embeddings and related topics in grand variable exponent Hajłasz-Morrey-Sobolev spaces (01/2024)
JMI-18-01 » Variable anisotropic Herz-Morrey-Hardy spaces and their applications (03/2024)
JMI-18-19 » Bσ type mixed Morrey spaces and their applications (03/2024)
JMI-18-36 » Characterizations of slice Besov-type and slice Triebel-Lizorkin-type spaces and applications (06/2024)
JMI-18-41 » Fractional integral operators on grand Morrey spaces and grand Hardy-Morrey spaces (06/2024)