
Articles containing subject class 47A60:

OaM-03-28 » Absolute continuity of minimal unitary dilations (12/2009)
MIA-13-18 » Functional calculus with operator-monotone functions (04/2010)
OaM-05-44 » On a commutative WJ*-algebra of D1+-class and its bicommutant (12/2011)
OaM-06-07 » Partially hyper invariant subspaces (03/2012)
OaM-06-42 » How to compare the absolute values of operator sums and the sums of absolute values? (09/2012)
OaM-10-33 » Polynomial as a new variable - a Banach algebra with a functional calculus (09/2016)
MIA-20-03 » Convex functions and means of matrices (01/2017)
MIA-20-69 » Estimates for Tsallis relative operator entropy (10/2017)
OaM-12-50 » On the weakly closed algebra generated by a unitary operator in a Pontryagin space (09/2018)
OaM-13-62 » Sylvester equations and polynomial separation of spectra (09/2019)
OaM-13-69 » Green's function of the problem of bounded solutions in the case of a block triangular coefficient (12/2019)
OaM-13-73 » H-functional calculus for commuting families of Ritt operators and sectorial operators (12/2019)
JMI-14-10 » Some inequalities involving operator means and monotone convex functions (03/2020)
JMI-14-36 » Reversing Bellman operator inequality (06/2020)
OaM-14-61 » On a functional calculus for unitary operators in Pontryagin spaces (12/2020)
MIA-24-66 » Modulus of continuity of the quantum f-entropy with respect to the trace distance (10/2021)
JMI-15-97 » On a reverse of the Tan-Xie inequality for sector matrices and its applications (12/2021)
OaM-16-03 » Refining and reversing Jensen's inequality (03/2022)
MIA-26-27 » New orders among Hilbert space operators (04/2023)
JMI-17-78 » Further refinements of the Tan-Xie inequality for sector matrices and its applications (09/2023)
OaM-18-29 » Singly generated selfadjoint-ideal operator semigroups: spectral density of the generator and simplicity (06/2024)
JMI-18-35 » Operator inequalities via the triangle inequality (06/2024)