
Articles containing subject class 47A64:

MIA-08-51 » Geometric means and Hadamard products (10/2005)
JMI-01-37 » Grand Furuta inequality and its variant (09/2007)
MIA-11-07 » Refinements of Jensen's inequality of Mercer's type for operator convex functions (01/2008)
OaM-02-02 » The Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov inequality for passive discrete time-invariant systems (03/2008)
JMI-02-23 » Contour approximation of data and the harmonic mean (06/2008)
JMI-02-26 » Comparison of operator mean geodesics (09/2008)
JMI-02-27 » On a variant of the Jensen-Mercer inequality for operators (09/2008)
JMI-03-50 » The Golden-Thompson-Segal type inequalities related to the weighted geometric mean due to Lawson-Lim (12/2009)
OaM-04-20 » Converses of Jensen's operator inequality (09/2010)
JMI-04-29 » Mean theoretic approach to a further extension of grand Furuta inequality (09/2010)
MIA-14-59 » Order among power operator means with condition on spectra (07/2011)
MIA-14-75 » Reverses of Ando's inequality for positive linear maps (10/2011)
OaM-06-39 » The Riemannian mean and matrix inequalities related to the Ando-Hiai inequality and chaotic order (09/2012)
JMI-06-45 » Matrix inequalities including Furuta inequality via Riemannian mean of n-matrices (09/2012)
OaM-06-56 » On Yuan-Gao's ‟complete form" of Furuta inequality (12/2012)
MIA-16-06 » Complete interpolation of matrix versions of Heron and Heinz means (01/2013)
MIA-16-10 » Hermite-Hadamard inequality for point-wise convex maps and Legendre-Fenchel conjugation (01/2013)
OaM-07-12 » Successive iterations and logarithmic means (03/2013)
OaM-07-17 » Refined Jensen's operator inequality with condition on spectra (06/2013)
MIA-17-24 » Operator inequalities on Hilbert C*-modules via the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality (01/2014)
JMI-08-19 » Matrix inequalities including grand Furuta inequality via Karcher mean (06/2014)
JMI-09-52 » Reverses of Ando and Davis-Choi inequality (06/2015)
JMI-09-53 » Cauchy type means on one-parameter C0-group of operators (06/2015)
JMI-09-88 » Quasi-arithmetic means and subquadracity (12/2015)
JMI-09-97 » Levinson's inequality for Hilbert space operators (12/2015)
JMI-10-23 » The generalized Tsallis relative operator entropy via solidarity (03/2016)
MIA-19-55 » Some inequalities involving operator monotone functions and operator means (04/2016)
MIA-19-70 » Integral inequalities of Kantorovich and Fiedler types for Hadamard products of operators (07/2016)
MIA-20-15 » Eigenvalue inequalities related to the Ando-Hiai inequality (01/2017)
MIA-20-27 » Improved Jensen's inequality (04/2017)
OaM-11-34 » Operator monotonicity of a 2-parameter family of functions and exp{f(x)} related to the Stolarsky mean (06/2017)
MIA-21-13 » Upper and lower bounds, and operator monotonicity of an extension of the Petz-Hasegawa function (01/2018)
JMI-12-08 » Matrix Richard inequality via the geometric mean (03/2018)
MIA-21-22 » More accurate classes of Jensen-type inequalities for convex and operator convex functions (04/2018)
JMI-12-22 » An interpolation of Jensen's inequality and its applications to mean inequalities (06/2018)
JMI-12-57 » Extended normalized Jensen functional related to convexity, 1-quasiconvexity and superquadracity (09/2018)
MIA-21-80 » New inequalities for operator concave functions involving positive linear maps (10/2018)
JMI-12-79 » Generalized reverse Cauchy inequality and applications to operator means (12/2018)
JMI-12-82 » Choi-Davis-Jensen's inequality without convexity (12/2018)
JMI-13-08 » An interpolation of Jensen's inequality and its converses with applications to quasi-arithmetic mean inequalities (03/2019)
MIA-22-40 » Characterization of operator convex functions by certain operator inequalities (04/2019)
OaM-13-37 » Numerical radius inequalities related to the geometric means of negative power (06/2019)
MIA-23-24 » Subadditive inequalities for operators (01/2020)
JMI-14-13 » A new family of weighted operator means including the weighted Heron, logarithmic and Heinz means (03/2020)
JMI-14-19 » Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for the s-HH convex functions via k-fractional integrals and applications (03/2020)
JMI-14-89 » Matrix Ostrowski inequality via the matrix geometric mean (12/2020)
OaM-15-01 » Integral representations of some families of operator monotone functions (03/2021)
JMI-15-10 » New inequalities for interpolational operator means (03/2021)
JMI-15-19 » On the operator Aczél inequality and its reverse (03/2021)
OaM-15-29 » Sharp operator mean inequalities of the numerical radii (06/2021)
JMI-15-49 » Sherman's operator inequality (06/2021)
MIA-24-52 » The upper boundary for the ratio between n-variable operator power means (07/2021)
JMI-15-84 » On the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (09/2021)
OaM-15-86 » Revisiting the Grüss inequality (12/2021)
OaM-16-16 » Generalized Ghabries-Abbas-Mourad log-majorization (03/2022)
JMI-16-13 » Singular values inequalities for matrix means (03/2022)
JMI-16-27 » New ordering relations for the Heinz means via hyperbolic functions (03/2022)
JMI-18-28 » Some refinements of Young type inequalities (06/2024)