
Articles containing subject class 47B10:

MIA-09-49 » On the range kernel orthogonality and p-symmetric operators (07/2006)
OaM-01-05 » Weak contractions and trace class perturbations (03/2007)
OaM-01-16 » Second order arithmetic means in operator ideals (06/2007)
OaM-03-09 » Determinant computations for some classes of Toeplitz-Hankel matrices (06/2009)
OaM-03-30 » Study of a differential operator of Heun type arising in fluid dynamics (12/2009)
MIA-13-05 » An extension of the Fuglede-Putnam's theorem to class A operators (01/2010)
MIA-13-19 » Schatten p-norm inequalities related to a characterization of inner product spaces (04/2010)
JMI-04-46 » Sums of real parts of eigenvalues of perturbed matrices (12/2010)
MIA-14-60 » An operator extension of the parallelogram law and related norm inequalities (07/2011)
MIA-14-61 » Grothendieck's inequality and applications (07/2011)
OaM-05-27 » Estimating eigenvalues of matrices by induced norms (09/2011)
OaM-06-22 » On the closed subideals of L(p ⊕ ℓq) (06/2012)
OaM-06-32 » Ideals of compact operators with Nakano type norms in a Hilbert space (09/2012)
OaM-06-47 » Spectral Properties of n-perinormal operators (12/2012)
OaM-06-50 » Uniformly γ-radonifying families of operators and the stochastic Weiss conjecture (12/2012)
MIA-16-08 » Landau and Grüss type inequalities for inner product type integral transformers in norm ideals (01/2013)
OaM-07-01 » On Hilbert-Schmidt compatibility (03/2013)
OaM-07-27 » Operator-valued frame generators for group-like unitary systems (06/2013)
MIA-16-69 » On k-quasi-M-hyponormal operators (07/2013)
OaM-08-61 » 2-summing operators on l2(X) (12/2014)
OaM-09-23 » Spectrally two-uniform frames for erasures (06/2015)
OaM-11-08 » A bound for the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of generalized commutators of nonself-adjoint operators (03/2017)
OaM-11-14 » Bernstein functions of several semigroup generators on Banach spaces under bounded perturbations (03/2017)
OaM-11-32 » Inequalities for eigenvalues of compactly perturbed unitary operators (06/2017)
OaM-11-60 » A spectral characterization of absolutely norming operators on S. N. ideals (09/2017)
OaM-11-74 » Some properties of g-frames for Hilbert space operators (12/2017)
OaM-12-10 » Distance estimates, norm of Hankel operators and related questions (03/2018)
OaM-12-28 » Bernstein functions of several semigroup generators on Banach spaces under bounded perturbations, II (06/2018)
OaM-12-53 » On a problem by Hans Feichtinger (09/2018)
OaM-12-55 » Multilinear mixing operators and Lipschitz mixing operator ideals (12/2018)
MIA-23-80 » New norm equalities and inequalities for certain operator matrices (07/2020)
OaM-14-65 » Explicit Krein resolvent identities for singular Sturm-Liouville operators with applications to Bessel operators (12/2020)
OaM-15-81 » Generalized numerical radius and related inequalities (12/2021)
OaM-16-22 » Distinguished subspaces of Topelitz operators on Nɸ-type quotient modules (06/2022)
OaM-16-29 » Matrix splitting and ideals in 𝓑(𝓗) (06/2022)
OaM-16-63 » Universally symmetric norming operators are compact (12/2022)
JMI-18-13 » Some improvements about numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators (03/2024)
MIA-27-54 » Singular values of compact operators via operator matrices (07/2024)