
Articles containing subject class 47B47:

MIA-09-49 » On the range kernel orthogonality and p-symmetric operators (07/2006)
OaM-01-16 » Second order arithmetic means in operator ideals (06/2007)
OaM-01-22 » Localizations of the Kleinecke-Shirokov theorem (09/2007)
OaM-02-04 » On the injective norm of ∑i=1n AiBi and characterization of normaloid operators (03/2008)
OaM-02-09 » Commutators, pinchings, and spectral variation (03/2008)
MIA-13-05 » An extension of the Fuglede-Putnam's theorem to class A operators (01/2010)
OaM-04-05 » On operators with large self-commutators (03/2010)
OaM-04-06 » Jordan left derivations and some left derivable maps (03/2010)
OaM-04-09 » Derivations which are inner as completely bounded maps (06/2010)
MIA-13-63 » Boundedness of generalized Riesz potentials on spaces of homogeneous type (10/2010)
MIA-14-12 » Closed operator inequalities and open problems (01/2011)
OaM-06-31 » All-derivable points of nest algebras on Banach spaces (09/2012)
MIA-15-67 » Fuglede-Putnam's theorem for w-hyponormal operators (10/2012)
OaM-06-47 » Spectral Properties of n-perinormal operators (12/2012)
OaM-07-05 » Weighted Lambert type operators on Lp spaces (03/2013)
OaM-07-08 » A note on Jordan derivable linear maps (03/2013)
MIA-16-69 » On k-quasi-M-hyponormal operators (07/2013)
OaM-08-34 » Commuting of block dual Toeplitz operators (09/2014)
OaM-08-42 » On derivations and Jordan derivations through zero products (09/2014)
OaM-08-44 » Locally quasi-nilpotent elementary operators (09/2014)
OaM-08-69 » Derivable maps and generalized derivations (12/2014)
OaM-09-10 » Jordan derivations on block upper triangular matrix algebras (03/2015)
OaM-10-01 » Ideal-triangularizability and commutators of constant sign (03/2016)
OaM-11-08 » A bound for the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of generalized commutators of nonself-adjoint operators (03/2017)
OaM-11-24 » On generalized derivation in Banach spaces (06/2017)
OaM-11-33 » The spectral equality for upper triangular operator matrices with unbounded entries (06/2017)
OaM-13-27 » Triangularizability of families of polynomially compact operators (06/2019)
OaM-13-77 » On the maximal numerical range of a hyponormal operator (12/2019)
MIA-23-99 » n-derivations and functional inequalities with applications (10/2020)
OaM-14-53 » Commutativity of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman spaces of the unit disk (12/2020)
JMI-14-70 » Some necessary and sufficient conditions for a VMO function (12/2020)
OaM-15-21 » Linear Lie centralizers of the algebra of strictly block upper triangular matrices (03/2021)
OaM-15-23 » Ternary derivations of nest algebras (03/2021)
JMI-15-09 » Derivation-homomorphism functional inequalities (03/2021)
OaM-15-59 » Multiplicative λ-∗-Jordan triple higher derivations on standard operator algebras (09/2021)
MIA-24-65 » Weighted estimates and compactness of variation operators (10/2021)
OaM-16-17 » Expansive operators which are power bounded or algebraic (03/2022)
OaM-16-27 » Gaps between some spectral characteristics of direct sum of Hilbert space operators (06/2022)
OaM-16-33 » Standard operator Jordan rings on Banach spaces, and their derivations (06/2022)
OaM-16-38 » A criterion of local derivations on the seven-dimensional simple Malcev algebra (06/2022)
OaM-17-22 » Maximal numerical range of the bimultiplication M2, A, B (06/2023)
OaM-17-62 » Nonadditive commuting mappings on triangular n-matrix rings (12/2023)
JMI-18-03 » On the stability of cubic bi-derivations on Banach algebras (03/2024)
OaM-18-26 » The operator equation AXB=X and the Fuglede-Putnam type property (06/2024)
OaM-18-29 » Singly generated selfadjoint-ideal operator semigroups: spectral density of the generator and simplicity (06/2024)